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The Far Seer: Fahman on 10:35 AM People who also had seen (0)

Lagu2 rock lame ini banyak mengulit kenangan aku kat sekolah menengah. lam mp3 kawan aku konpem ade lagu2 ni. dan, kalau aku dengar lagu ini, aku teringat kawan2, ma n abah, family, rumah, seseorang...... Dibawah adalah lagu dari penyanyi yang paling aku gemar. suarennye memang cam taiko. Awie; Mata Hati Jiwa.

Maafkan aku mengganggumu
Cuma ku ingin kau tahu
Ruangan dihatiku hanyalah untukmu
Hari hari ku yang berlalu
Riang ceria kernamu
Mana adanya aku pasti ada kamu
Andainya engkau tahu perasan hatiku

Pastinya kau kan tersenyum diwaktu manis harimu
Biarkan biarlah tau teguh auranya kerana kamu
Kau sentiasa berada di mataku, hati dan jiwa

Maafkan aku mengganggumu
Dilewat malam malam mu
Inginku temanimu sebelum lenamu
Izinkan aku dekatimu
Inginku tawan [...]

you are not a failure.

The Far Seer: Fahman on 8:29 AM People who also had seen (0)

Ol'Skool Friends.

The Far Seer: Fahman on 8:35 AM People who also had seen (0)

I have two friends.LEt say the first one is MR.J and the second is MR.K.

Mr.J was the new student, same as me. He was the closest and knew best of me than other person is the school. Although he was new, he always the top student.Although he is lazy, but he is smart pious, and full of knowledge. I like him and admire him a lot.

The second is Mr.K. He was also smarter than me but a little bit arrogant. I did not like him. He always wanted to compete with Mr.J because he want to be the number one. Although he is hard-headed and impolite, I admire his hardworking. He always strive to become the best so that he will be the best, and rarely I saw him online in Facebook. STudy I guest.

Based on the two fellows, there are many things that we can take as an inspiration to become successful. No matter you like or hate a person, you still can take their good values in order to improve ourselves. And the two friend of mine have the same principle since the school. They have not change their styles,their appearances and their standings, in spite of far away from their guardians. I'm a total contradiction of both of them.


The Far Seer: Fahman on 7:41 AM People who also had seen (0)

Some say 'sorry' just to make themselves feel better.
Some say the word coz they does'nt know any better word to make others better.
And most people never mean to say it but is always being said.

It is a five lettered word that have deeper meaning,
more than just saying without any intention.
It is a five lettered word that touches feeling.
A five lettered word can make people appreciate the relationship,
and forgetting any quarrels that should not be remembered.

The Path I've Chosen.

The Far Seer: Fahman on 8:19 AM People who also had seen (0)

Sakit kepala aku fikir benda ni. Pasal AUSMAT. Esok kena panggil ngan advisor Mr.Al ngan head of AUSMAT department Miss Jenny. Aduih...performence punye pasal.
Kalaulah aku ni otak geliga cam saem skolah aku dulu kan baguih...
Kalaulah aku rajin cam bdak2 student house kan baguih...
Architecture is a though job

Kadang-kadang aku terpikir menyesal gak terima offer ni.
kalaulah aku duk kat PASUM dulu kan best. Xyah susah2 pikir sal ATA,TEE merit sume.
Assignment kimia la, fizik la, blajar cam kat matrik
(dah name pon Australian Matriculation)
Kat PASUM aku dapat wat kerja-kerja cam arkitek
buat model, lukis pelan. siot..

teringat gak aku kat kk12, PASUM...

Tapi ape bleh buat.memang ini yang aku dapat dan aku terima
JPA call bagi overseas scholarship maybe sbab susah kot nak aturkan scholarship aku kat UM.

trime je la...
ini jalan aku pilih
xleyh patah balik.
come on..Usaha lbeyh!!
Failure is not an option!

Being Hated or Loved

The Far Seer: Fahman on 10:51 PM People who also had seen (0)

Haven you feel that, not everyone like you?
haven you know that there are people who might hate you?

This is the reality of life. not everything are perfect; not everything are like what we want it to be.
For sure, some people around us dislike us in a certain part. Some doesn't like the way others speaking, the way they dress and the most part is their personalities.
Everybody is not perfect, we are just a human with tonnes of weaknesses. It depends on people surrounding whether to accept us or not. And for some cases, we should accept people the way they are because those are their unchangeable natures.

That is what happens when everybody becomes too judgmental, tend to critique and extremely stereotyping each others. Why can't we live in a piece and harmony society, without any hidden feeling of anger towards others? Becomes more transparent?
This is the 'nature' of our Eastern culture which is more conservative in expressing feelings. We tends to hide the dissatisfactory. If the anger can't be manage, the effects are more terrible.

Love and hate are concrete feelings

In a conclusion, if you feels that you have many friends and everybody likes you, you should also know that there are also people who hate you. Don't be too optimist. This is the reality and reality is not always fair.

Not a Good Day...

The Far Seer: Fahman on 10:33 PM People who also had seen (0)

This is a day that make my mood goes down. Firstly, the EAL/D speech. I think I've against my nature of quietness because I speak too much but there are no points. In fact, it just a humiliating mumbling that shouldn't be done.

The second is the physics test. There are some mistakes that I've done and a feel sorry with myself.

  1. overconfident: working too fast, lack of recheck.
  2. wrong significant figures: thing that kills most.
  3. no square sign: the lame careless, shouldn't be done.
Seriously. I'm a careless person, extremely bloody careless. I dunno how to overcome this problem as it is part of me. And I think another reason for this physics result is: too much PES 2010 + Facebook. think should start study now. go go go..GA-GO

quote of the day

The Far Seer: Fahman on 5:51 PM People who also had seen (0)

today in history

The Far Seer: Fahman on 5:28 PM People who also had seen (0)

What Happened Today In History?

A marvellous weeked.

The Far Seer: Fahman on 8:40 AM People who also had seen (0)

Sudah lama beliau x menulis blog. Biase ar...bizi dgn sesuatu makhluk ciptaan orang Australia yang dinamakan AUSMAT. bende alah ni banyak memberi keje, ASSingment dan sewaktu dgnnya. nasib baek selepas je trip Tioman mgu lepas, keje EAL/D dah hantar. ouh yah..bercherita tentang tioman.. trip tersebut merupakan pengalaman paling best dalam hidup. terasa lbih dekat dgn ahli batch. Kalau dulu, xpenah bertegur tapi sekarang dah bleh bersapa. Almaklumlah.. kene bekerja dalam group. Berbincang n bekerjasama menyelesaikan masalah. Ketika berada di pulau yang terpencil ini, kita dapat melihat pelbagai jenis gelagat manusia. Ada yang kita sangka begini tetapi sebenarnya begitu. Ada juga yang dalam jangkaan kita. Tetapi apa yang penting ialah pengalaman yang kita perolehj dapat menjadi pengajaran kepada kita untuk mengharungi kehidupan kita yang panjang dang penuh dengan slekoh drift...

Expectation kami terhadap tioman adalah tinggi pada mulanya.Kami menginap di resort kampung paya dan mendapati kawasannya xlah sehebat mane. Hanya ada beberapa kedai dan beberapa rumah. satu jeti. WTF.... ini je ke tioman?

Ma telefon. dye tye: xpegi semayang jumaat ke?
aku: xpegi. Masjid xde. orang tioman xsmayang jumaat kot...

ha3...memang paya xde surau. sebab ia hanya sebahagian kecik je dari tioman. Dan aku tersilap ini membuktikan kesilapan aku kerana menganggap tioman adalah sekecil kg. Paya.

muka mengantuk pabila sampai jeti
pukul 4 pagi.
bersama roomate chalet, Hardie dan Hamiz l

namun, aktiviti semakin best pabila dapat snorkelling dan pegi ke kawasan kawasan lain pulau untuk shoping (walaupun aku xsuka perjalanan bot sebab aku mabuk laut, muntah banyak kali) memang benar, Tioman agak besar. banyak kawasan menarik, cuma satu je aku xsuke.. Pemandu bot tu nampak cam melayu (then islam kot), tapi togak arak depan kitorang, perlajar2 kolej yang tahu apa itu arak dan apa itu haram. namun, apakan daya. Sape la kite nak tegur dorang. xpasal2 kene halau dari bot. patutla xbunyi azan n xde semayang jumaat.Penduduk pon camtu.

p/s: pengalaman ini banyak membuka mata aku tentang banyak perkara. dan baru aku sedar orang nampak aku sebagai seorang selamba cool tetapi slow...ha3.. tetapi apa yang penting ialah trip ini telah membuatkan aku release tension dgn semua perkara yang belaku.